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Tachypteron franzeni Storch & al., 2002

IRSNB M 1944a-b; Eocene; Messel, Germany

IRSNB M 1944a-b

IG: -      Reg.: -

Age: Lutetian, Eocene, Paleogene
Locality: Messel, Germany
Description: impression and counter-impression on the same plate

- Storch G. & al. 2002. Tachypteron franzeni n. gen., n. sp., earliest emballonurid bat from the Middle Eocene of Messel (Mammalia, Chiroptera). Paläontologische Zeitschrift, T. 76(2), pp. 189-199 (pp. 190, Fig. 1 ; pp. 194, Fig. 4 E-F ; pp. 197, Fig. 6)
- Smith, T. & al, 2012. Chapter 2. Systematics and paleobiogeography of early bats. In Gunnell, G.F. & Simmons, N.B. (eds.), Evolutionary History of Bats: Fossils, Molecules and Morphology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp.23-66 (Fig. 2.14A-B).
- Smith K. et al., 2018. Messel, An Ancient Greenhouse Ecosystem. Senckenberg pp. 1-355 (pp. 248, Fig. 12.5.1)
- Uhl & al., 2024. Deep‑time maar lakes and other volcanogenic lakes as Fossil‑Lagerstätten – An overview. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 104, pp. 763-848 (pp. 778, Fig. 5g)

  • Tachypteron franzeni (3D Profilometer) (a)

    Contributors: Picture: Julien Lalanne
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo, Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Tachypteron franzeni (3D Profilometer) (a)
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  • Tachypteron franzeni (3D Profilometer) (b)

    Contributors: Picture: Julien Lalanne
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo, Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Tachypteron franzeni (3D Profilometer) (b)
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